Thursday, January 26, 2012

First Elluminate Session

I also posted this in the PLP Community Hub

Last night, we held our first Elluminate Session as a team.  A big thank you to all of those who showed up and participated.  An even BIGGER thank you to Becky for being our leader and being the moderator and keeping the conversations moving!
For the group members that were not present Becky recorded the session in case you want to hear and see what was discussed. 

As a group we decided that we would create a better project if we focus our energy on one topic underneath the whole teacher/whole child.  The group decided that we would make the most impact under the connections category.
We also created our essential question (EQ) this is what we came up with: How can global connections help our students develop emotionally, physically, academically, and spiritually?
We discussed that: Connections that allow us to develop an understanding of the world using Web 2.0 tools. 
That was the majority of our meeting. The material we discussed is not set in stone, so for those of us that were not able to attend feel free to make comments and/or adjustment.  

We have not set a date for our next Elluminate session.  We look forward to your comments. 

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